A new month is here, but for most of us, it’s hard to feel hopeful for renewal and change as the nation stands at crossroads. We’re currently at a juncture where only unity towards a common goal – the wellbeing of #Pakistan – can help us move forward.

Since the past year, Pakistan is overwhelmed with the worst political and #economic turmoil, with a serious impact on the daily lives of its citizens. While this has been an undeniably devastating experience that’s lead to unprecedented fear and insecurity, the only way to redress the situation is by reminding ourselves that sometimes uncertainty is a precursor to #growth. The intense challenges we’re facing in the spheres of politics and #society should prompt us to reconsider all that we have been nonchalant about, and often, accepting of. With #discipline and #commitment, it is time for us to shape a new order and demand that the interests of ordinary citizens finally be given priority.

At this point, we need to firmly push for permanent structural change that favours public opinion. By putting in the required energy & hard work, we can make this moment be remembered as a revolution. All that we are, or ever will be, we owe to our incredible country. We must never be apathetic towards our duty to her, and consciously rewire our response to uncertainty.
The people of Pakistan have always shown unparalleled resilience in times of crises, and it is without doubt that the same courageous spirit will get us through yet again.
May Allah protect our country, its people and their #freedom.
! پاکستان زِنده باد
Illustrator: Marria Khan
Creative concept: Mindful team