Durrah Aman chats with fashion royalty, HSY, as he reflects on his three decades of innovation, hard work and purposefulness.
In the ever-evolving realm of fashion, few names resonate as profoundly as that of Hassan Sheheryar Yasin and his eponymous brand, HSY.

With an illustrious career spanning over three decades, not only has HSY witnessed the dynamic shifts in the industry, but has also played a pivotal role in shaping its narrative. As he marks 30 years in the business of fashion, it’s apparent that HSY is not just a designer; he’s a cultural icon, a trendsetter, and a beacon of creativity.
In this exclusive interview, we delve into the captivating world of HSY, exploring the inspirations, challenges, and triumphs that have defined his remarkable career.

Q1. You commenced your fashion journey as a fashion choreographer, transitioning into design and eventually expanding into so many different areas of work. What motivates you to keep reinventing yourself?
Ans. The only thing constant in life is change. Love is not constant, life itself is not constant, but change is. If you don’t evolve with time, then you’ve learned nothing. I believe people who very proudly claim they haven’t changed over the years are still struck elsewhere, in an era long gone. Time will be on your side only if you keep changing with it.
One should always be open to learn from the changes around them. When you start doing that, you’ll notice the air has a different hope and a different kind of longing every single day. If you don’t grow with time, you won’t make it.

Q2. Congratulations on completing 30 successful years in the fashion business! What’s the secret behind thriving in such a competitive industry?
Ans. Having laser-sharp focus. While I’m always cheering for my contemporaries – something that really lacks in our industry- I never get distracted by what others are doing or lose sight of my own goals and vision. Every morning I wake up with immense gratitude for the life I have and thank Allah for it. I know that if I want to continue living this life, I have to work for it, because the moment I stop, it’ll be taken away. So consistency, gratitude and minding my own business have been the key ingredients behind my success.

Q3. What is your design philosophy?
Ans. The design philosophy at HSY has always been the same – to design clothes that are timeless and classic. Our designs should be as relevant 20 years from now as they are today. There are only a handful of brands nowadays that focus on creating pieces that are timeless and classic, even though some of the biggest fashion houses, like Dior or Channel, have the same philosophy; their pieces are classic and timeless. We want to be that nature of a brand. Also, at HSY, it’s a priority to create designs that are reflective of Pakistan, its culture and legacy.

Q4. How would you describe your own personal style?
Ans. In my opinion, someone who doesn’t put in effort into how they dress, wastes their entire day. The way you look impacts how you feel and how you make others around you feel. It’s very important to me to dress up nicely every morning.
In terms of colour, I don’t have the time to play around much because most of my days are so busy with work. Ninety percent of my closet carries only three colours- black, blue and grey; and they go perfectly with each other. However, It’s essential for me that my clothes are well-tailored, fit me well, are clean, well-ironed and make me look elegant. I know these days designers wear all kinds of experimental clothes, but I prefer classic fashion over edgy for myself.

Q5. How has fashion evolved in the past 30 years?
Ans. Fashion evolves so much in a single year, 30 years is a very long time. When I entered this industry, there were only a handful of designers. It wasn’t even a proper industry, but a few pioneer designers working in the field. Magazines were also at an infancy stage and praised everyone who had worked so hard since then. Kamiar Rokni, Maheen Kardar and I started out together with the same vision – to transform the industry into something that the international community notices. And we did just that.
Today, I feel, while new designers are definitely working hard, they don’t have that same kind of yearning, because the industry has already been established. We also don’t see many people working together anymore; everyone is working individually because we’re left with very few fashion weeks. And while their businesses are booming because the market is huge, I believe you’ll only be able to sustain your business long-term if you employ and empower the people of Pakistan. To strengthen our economy and our country, it’s important that our products are made locally.

Q6. You’ve always been a proud representative of Pakistan, promoting it whenever you got an opportunity. Where do you get your strong patriotism from?
Ans. Pakistan is our country, our only home. Look at the people of Palestine, they’re fighting to keep their land and their identities. Millions of people lost their lives so we could live freely in our homeland; how then can we not love it unconditionally?
Pakistan is the place where I was born and the place that will always give me my identity. Despite the fact that I grew up abroad- where I was never a misfit either- the respect and love I receive in my own country is impossible to find elsewhere. So if I don’t promote Pakistan and think on an individual level, then shame on me.

Q7. Tell us a little about your philanthropic work.
Ans. Philanthropy is a very big part of my life. Growing up, I saw my mother- a single parent- working tirelessly, sometimes taking up to four jobs at a time, to raise us.
When you‘ve experienced hardship yourself, it’s very hard for you to ignore others’ hardships.
I’ve seen a difficult life up-close and it’s not very kind. Today, Allah has blessed me in abundance, but I don’t take it for granted. The name, fame and respect I’ve managed to attain comes with a responsibility. I must share it with people.
When I was young, I lost my eyesight, so I decided to work with an eye hospital that provides free surgeries to its patients. MashaAllah they’ve successfully restored the eyesight of over 54 million Pakistanis. I’m also working with NOWPDP, an emotional and skills development training institute for persons with disabilities.
I celebrate this part of my life more than my work in fashion. This is a very personal win for me. Its only between me and my Allah.
I would like to add, the people who copy me in so many ways, should really copy me in this particular area as well. We need to give back more to our community so Pakistan can save itself from the current turmoil it faces. We’re a great nation and we can change our own fate.

Q8. You always mention your mother very lovingly, what role has she played in your life?
Ans. My mother is my life. Everything that I am today is because of her prayers. I always tell her, she has a special connection with Allah because her prayers are so strong.
I also talk so much about her because l’m deeply averse to toxic masculinity. Men in our society don’t talk about the women in their lives lovingly. Every mother deserves to be shown love, not just by their daughters, but by their sons as well. They deserve it. So, when I talk about my mother, I believe I’m changing people’s mindsets and my own friends are an example of this. Every man loves his mother, but they’re made to think that they just can’t express it.
Why not, in their living years, show our parents the same amount of love that we feel for them when they leave this world? This is the love I want to give my mother in her life.

Q9. Your fabulous collection at the HUM Bridal Couture Week 2023 marked HSY’s 30 years in fashion. Talk to us about the concept behind your show.
Ans. Initially, everyone thought HSY’s 30 years should be celebrated through a retrospect of its journey. However, we’ve been so blessed and celebrated over these past three decades that repeating it did not resonate with our brand. So I made this collection about the future.
The majority of Pakistan’s population is under the age of 30. They were born in the world of social media and are well aware of what’s trending and what they want to look like. But due to many factors, they can’t afford HSY’s price points. To counter this, on our 30th anniversary, HSY launched a new brand, “Trousseau,” that focuses on affordability with the same look and feel that you would have from an HSY outfit. For the HUM BCW show, instead of having a conversation about HSY, we wanted to start a conversation about Trousseau. This brand is for the generation that believes in making their own choices with a wide range of designs and silhouettes. The clothes will always be in style and timeless because I prioritise heritage, culture and identity.

Q10. In all these years, who have been your favourite people to work with?
Ans. I’ve worked with so many people, but the ones you always remember are those who supported you when you started out. Ather & Shahzad of Ather Shahzad have always supported me greatly; I did my first TV show with Iffat Omar; HSY’s first models were Vaneeza Ahmad, Iman Ali and Mehreen Syed, who isn’t just our muse, but also a dear friend. If we talk about celebirities, there’s hardly any who I haven’t designed clothes for, but Reema is a very close friend of mine. I enjoy her company a lot.
I know I have this image of being a “party boy” because I love to entertain, but at heart, I’m a very family-oriented person. All my closest friends are the people I’ve known since years, as I hardly make new friends. These people are a part of my journey and my life.

Q11. Talking about family, is marriage on the cards?
Ans. If I can get over heartbreak, perhaps! My heart has been broken many times and it takes of lot of courage for love to happen again.
Also, I’m the only son. My father passed away a year ago and my mother, too, remains sick. A heartbroken man is unable to assist and rise to the challenge because he’s taking care of himself. I don’t have the time to look after myself because I’m taking care of people who are my responsibility.
When I feel like I’ve found someone who can share that with me, only then would I get married.

Q12. Do you believe in destiny or hardwork entirely?
Ans. We’re all meant to work hard because there’s no success without it, but some of us are definitely blessed a little more too. I’ve never thought I have the best designs, nor do I think I’ve worked harder than others. I believe I’ve been blessed by Allah in so many ways, maybe this is destiny.But at the same time, your personality and how you treat people around you also makes a difference. I look up to my mother who never spoke to anyone with disrespect and taught the same to her children. Whatever the reason is, I’m just truly grateful to Allah for everything.

Q13. A piece of advice for aspiring fashion designers from HSY?
Ans. Not just upcoming designers, but I’ll give this advice to everyone: do not let your ego make you believe you’re better than someone else. When you practice humility, success becomes easier.
Secondly, don’t be afraid of hardwork. I don’t think there’s anything you can’t achieve if you work hard for it. I started my design house with just 2500 rupees, without my father’s support and without many resources, but to this day, my company has zero debt, zero loans and zero investors.
If I can do it, so can you. Just put your ego aside and keep a cool mind. Get to work and success is yours for the taking.

Q14. Lastly, what does being Mindful mean to HSY?
Ans. Wellness is mindful and it doesn’t just come in a physical form. Emotional wellness is just as important which is less talked about.
We’re all going through emotional trauma in the current times and now, more than ever, we should talk to each other about how we are. We should leave channels open for communication. If someone needs any kind of support, look for it. Take care of your mental health and take time out for yourself.
When I think of being mindful, and a magazine named ‘Mindful’, I think what an apt title it is for what we all really need in our lives. Everyone is looking for peace, and I pray they find it.
Coordination : Mindful Team
Video Interview: YouTube / mindfulpakistanofficial